Emmet, the plugin that everyone should have.

By Darío Rivera
Posted On in HTML

Emmet was the first plugin I installed in a text editor to improve productivity while developing in HTML and CSS. I remember using SublimeText 2 at that time and was also learning PHP. I also remember being totally amazed by the capabilities of this plugin.

Emmet is a plugin to improve your workflow when working with HTML and CSS. It is a snippet plugin that will help you quickly create nested elements without having to manually add each opening and closing tag and every attribute. You'll see what I mean.

The best way to learn how to use Emmet is to see what it can do. So let's get started!.

Since Emmet is a snippet plugin, it will allow us to write just a few words to create something wonderful. Let's see how we can create an HTML5 scaffolding for our front page.


By typing the key that triggers Emmet, you'll get the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Not bad, right? Now let's see a list of combinations that we can use in emmet. As I said, this is the most didactic way I can find to teach you how to use emmet. You'll see that most of the syntax elements refer to CSS.

Child elements

Character: >
Goal: Nest elements


Sibling elements

Character: +
Goal: Position sibling elements

    <input type="text">

Escalate the context

Character: ^
Goal: Position an item as a sibling by going up one level in the context

        <li><a href=""></a></li>


Character: *
Goal: Generate an element the indicated number of times



Character: ( )
Goal: Group emmet statements

            <li><a href=""></a></li>
            <li><a href=""></a></li>

Id Attribute

Character: #
Goal: Indicate the id attribute of an element

<div id="app">
    <label for=""></label>
    <input type="text" id="search">

Class Attribute

Character: .
Goal: Indicate the class attribute of an element

<div class="app">
    <label for=""></label>
    <input type="text" class="form-control input-sm">

Custom Attributes

Character: [ ]
Goal: Indicates the custom attributes to add to an element

td[title="Hello world!" colspan=3]
<td title="Hello world!" colspan="3"></td>

I hope this list can give you the basics you need to start using Emmet. You can find more information about the syntax here. See you soon!.

Acerca de Darío Rivera


Application Architect at Elentra Corp . Quality developer and passionate learner with 10+ years of experience in web technologies. Creator of EasyHttp , an standard way to consume HTTP Clients.

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