Functions in TypeScript

By Darío Rivera
Posted On in TypeScript

Thanks to TypeScript, it is possible to receive and return typed variables in functions. We already saw in a previous article how to define variables in TypeScript. In this post, we will go a little further and see their use in functions.

Number of arguments

First and before delving into types, let's see that in TypeScript even when a type is not defined for the parameters and a return value, there will be verification of the number of arguments passed to a function.

function sum(a, b)
  return a + b;


The above code will throw the following error in the compiler for calling the function with only one parameter when two are required.

error TS2554: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.

Function arguments

In TypeScript it is possible to declare a function with the type of its parameters. Consider the following example where we have defined a string type parameter.

function printName(userName: string)
    return 'Hello ' + userName;

It is even possible to define a more complex parameter such as a structure in the function's signature. In the following example, the parameter must be an object that has the name and age attributes defined.

interface User {
    name: string,
    age: number

function printName(userName: User) {
    return 'Hello ' +;

Return values

It is also possible to define the type that a function should return in TypeScript.

function printName(userName: string): string
    return 'Hello ' + userName;

It is even possible to define a more complex return value such as a structure in the function's signature. In the following example, the return value must be an object that has the saludo and userName attributes defined.

function printName(userName: string): {
    saludo: string,
    userName: string
} {
    return {
        'saludo': 'Hello',
        'userName': userName

The return value could even be an Interface (you can see more about interfaces in Interfaces in TypeScript).

interface User {
    saludo: string,
    userName: string

function printName(userName: string): User {
    return {
        'saludo': 'Hello',
        'userName': userName

Functions as parameters

Functions in TypeScript can also be defined as parameters of other functions. These particular expressions in TypeScript are usually called function type expressions or function type expressions.

// a function that requires as a first parameter
// another function with a string argument
function greeter(fn: (a: string) => void) {
  fn("Hello, World");

// a function that meets the parameter of the previous function
function printToConsole(s: string) {

// passing a function as a parameter

In the previous example, we can see how the function greeter is defined, which requires a parameter named fn of type function. In turn, this function must comply with the signature (a: string) => void.

Then, we define a function that complies with the signature of the parameter required in the initial function, and then this function is passed as a parameter when executing the greeter function.

So far, you have almost all the tools to create and use your own TypeScript functions. If you want to go a little further, I recommend also seeing Call and Constructor Signatures in Typescript. See you next time.

Acerca de Darío Rivera


Application Architect at Elentra Corp . Quality developer and passionate learner with 10+ years of experience in web technologies. Creator of EasyHttp , an standard way to consume HTTP Clients.

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