Configure SonarQube to start as a service in MacOS

By Darío Rivera
Posted On in Static Code Analysis

After installing SonarQube and setting up a dedicated database, the last step for you is probably to configure it as a service so that it starts with the operating system. If you haven't installed SonarQube yet, we recommend reading the following posts.

- SonarQube Installation
- Configuring PostgreSQL in SonarQube

If you want to configure SonarQube to start on Linux, you can read the following tutorial.

- Configuring SonarQube to Start as a Service on Linux


The first thing you should know about starting SonarQube as a service is that Elasticsearch, a Java component used by SQ, does not allow root startup. Because of this, the service must be created in /Library/LaunchAgents and not in /System/Library/LaunchAgents. Given this, you can create a file for the service in this folder and add the following content to it.

sudo vim /Library/LaunchAgents/org.sonarqube.server.plist
<plist version="1.0">

Note that you must replace the path where you have the SonarQube executable (

To load the service configuration, you can run the following command.

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/org.sonarqube.server.plist

If you want this service to start with the operating system, you must add it to the startup.

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.sonarqube.server.plist

To start the service, simply run the following command.

sudo launchctl start org.sonarqube.server

Acerca de Darío Rivera


Application Architect at Elentra Corp . Quality developer and passionate learner with 10+ years of experience in web technologies. Creator of EasyHttp , an standard way to consume HTTP Clients.

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