Installation of Supervisor on Debian

By Darío Rivera
Posted On in Supervisor

In a previous article we saw an introduction to what Supervisor is, the process manager for UNIX systems, where we basically explained what it was and how to configure a process in it. Today we will see how to install supervisor on the GNU/Linux Debian operating system.


To install supervisor on GNU/Linux Debian, or on distributions based on Debian you can use apt.

sudo apt-get install supervisor


After installing supervisor, you can configure this program to start every time the system starts with the following command:

service supervisor start

The main configuration file of the supervisor will generally be in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/. In this file you will find a line like the following:

files = /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.ini

Which indicates that to create a new process you must create a file in the directory /etc/supervisor/conf.d with the extension .ini.

Once supervisor is installed you should start the daemon that will manage all the processes.

supervisord -c supervisord.conf

To configure your first process in supervisor, I invite you to follow the following tutorial.

Configuration of a process in supervisor

Acerca de Darío Rivera


Application Architect at Elentra Corp . Quality developer and passionate learner with 10+ years of experience in web technologies. Creator of EasyHttp , an standard way to consume HTTP Clients.

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